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Amber Rudd says biomethane is “part of the mix”

DECC Secretary of State Amber Rudd MP appeared on the Today programme this morning to talk about shale gas, but following a suggestion from ADBA was also asked about support for biomethane. You can hear her interview for the next 30 days via the BBC website – the segment was around 90 minutes into the programme. 

The Secretary of State did not make any new or specific commitments, but did say that: 

Biomethane will continue to be part of the mix… we're doing consultations at the moment to see what level of support they need.

It's not clear exactly what she was referring to as 'consultations', though it seems most likely that it is a reference to ongoing work in general around renewable energy support and the spending review, which will ultimately set the RHI budget.

Following the remarks, we have written to the Secretary of State to emphasise the role that biomethane can play as a source of renewable gas. You can see a copy of our letter here.

We are in the process of putting together our evidence to submit to DECC and Treasury on the importance of ongoing support for biomethane. We'll provide an update on that for members soon, but if you are able to provide evidence or analysis to support it, please contact Will via

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