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Copys Green Farm AD plant features in Escape To The Country

AD hit the nation's TV screens last week when popular BBC series Escape To The Country included a feature on ADBA member Stephen Temple's Copys Green Farm AD plant.

The feature explains what AD is, how it works, and looks at Stephen's on-farm plant as an example of a farm business having invested in AD to produce on-site energy and provide an additional income stream.

You can watch the episode here – the feature on Stephen's AD plant starts from 34:30.

Do let us know about any coverage you and your plant receive in the media – we're always keen to hear about and share success stories from across the industry. Every little helps to communicate the many benefits of AD as far and wide as possible!

You can get in touch with ADBA's PR Executive Chris Noyce with any interesting media coverage on 020 3176 5441 or at

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