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Are you ready for Brexit?

As we approach the new deadline for Britain leaving the EU, we as an industry need to make sure that we are prepared for whatever happens next. We have an opportunity now to tell government what is needed to ensure…

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Incentivising gas to grid: tell us what you think!

In last year’s Spring Statement, the Chancellor committed to increasing the proportion of green gas being injected into the gas grid. Today, Rebecca Thompson, our Senior Policy Manager, presented ADBA’s initial thinking on what a policy mechanism to achieve this…

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ADBA meets with BEIS on RHI closure

Yesterday, our Senior Policy Manager, Rebecca Thompson, met with one of the lead officials at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to discuss the closure of RHI and all things biogas policy. Alongside discussing the technical issues that…

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Power cuts raise questions for electrified future

On 9th August the lights went out for approximately 1.1 million electricity customers. Electricity failed, and although the power outage was connected to a lightening strike, it was just one of many and represents an apparently rare and unexpected event…

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ADBA presents at summit on future waste policy

Rebecca Thompson, ADBA's Senior Policy Manager, presented the key role that AD plays in food and farm waste policy at a round-table discussion organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry's Energy Sustainability and Environment Division. The event brought together academics,…

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One-year government spending round announced

Boris' new government has announce that they will be carrying out a short-term spending round to cover the next year, which will be followed by a full Spending Review once Brexit negotiations have been completed. This is to provide financial…

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Ofgem call for feedback

Ofgem are collecting views on how they could improve user experiences of the Non-Domestic RHI register. To facilitate this, they will be running a series of user research workshops and are seeking volunteers to attend at locations across the UK…

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Meeting with the Department for International Trade

Yesterday, Rebecca Thompson, our Senior Policy Manager, met with the Renewable Energy leads at the Department for International Trade (DIT) to discuss ADBA’s vision for the future of the industry. They discussed outcomes from the industry workshop held in June…

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