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Richard Howitt MEP signs industry pledge card

Richard Howitt MEP signed up to ADBA's pledge card during a tour last week of Biogen's new £12 million food waste plant near Baldock, Hertfordshire.

With party political manifestos due to be published, it is vitally important that we are pulling together to raise awareness of AD and its benefits amongst our representatives.  MPs are more inclined towards listening to constituents and local employers on policy issues and so your support is crucial in engaging MPs on AD. If you have not already had the opportunity to engage your local MP then you may find this suggested text of use.

Once you have established a site/company visit with your local MP, we would be very grateful if you would encourage them to sign our pledge card which can be viewed here. While these points are broad, they will help raise awareness amongst MPs of the issues hindering the industry’s growth and to increase the pressure on manifesto coordinators. It is also a great PR opportunity for both your business and for the MP to photograph them signing up to these pledges.

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