MEMBER PRESS RELEASE - More to corrugated tubes than meets the eye By Matt Hale,…
ADBA slams new FIT consultation
Responding to the new Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) consultation on the Feed-in Tariff for anaerobic digestion, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive, Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) comments:
This consultation does nothing to address DECC's fundamental lack of ambition for AD and community scale renewables.
Instead, it proposes restrictions to plant sizes and feedstocks that will make it even harder to deploy viable AD plants using waste, crops or agricultural residues. Removing support for new plants above 500kW is completely unjustified and will kill off projects which could otherwise have delivered DECC's objectives while representing good value for money.
The government needs baseload electricity to ensure energy security, and technologies that reduce emissions from agriculture and waste to meet our carbon budgets. AD can deliver all of that, at scale, now – but only with the right support.
We will be working with our members to put together a strong response to this consultation, and making the wider case for supporting anaerobic digestion to cut carbon, deliver energy security and recycle critical nutrients.
This DECC consultation looks at the generation tariffs for anaerobic digestion (AD) and micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) and sustainability criteria and feedstock restrictions for AD, and closes on 7 July. ADBA will work closely with its members to put together a strong response on behalf of the AD industry.