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The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) was established in September 2009 to represent the UK anaerobic digestion (AD) and bioresources industry and to support the development of a safe, high-performing industry. Today we represent over 300 organisations, spanning AD operators, equipment suppliers, finance specialists, farmers, academics, waste management companies, gas distribution networks and more specialisms.

We humans generate millions of tons of organic wastes (food waste, sewage, animal manures and slurries and other agricultural wastes) which, if not captured and recycled, produce harmful methane emissions and create health issues. Anaerobic digestion is the technology widely recognised as extracting the most value out of these organic wastes. Indeed, by turning these waste resources into green gas (biogas), bio-CO2, bio-fertilisers and other valuable bio-products, AD can reduce the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions by at least 6%. And because AD is already a mature technology, with the right support this reduction can be delivered by 2030, helping to decarbonise some of the hardest-to-decarbonise sectors such as heat, transport, agriculture and waste management.

AD also helps improve the UK’s energy and food security, and can make a huge contribution to supporting the post-Covid green recovery by creating 60,000 new jobs.

Through lobbying activities, meetings with government officials, working groups, high profile industry events, educational material and more, ADBA aims to facilitate the AD industry’s growth.



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