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Our Advisory Board consists of experts from across the industry, nominated by our members. They provide invaluable advice to the executive team. They are:

Name Job Title/Company
Avril Banks Agrikomp UK
Angie Bywater University of Southampton
Chris Hoare Business Development Director, Amur
David Hurren Consultant
Alan Midwinter Scotia Gas Networks (SGN) – UK
Thomas Minter Managing Director, Biogas, Palisade Real Assets (UK) Ltd
Kathryn Nicholls + Matthew Davies Environment Agency
Johan Östlund CooperÖstlund
Donna Rawlinson Northumbrian Water
Chris Winward CEO, Privilege Finance
Newest appointees to the Advisory Board March 2021
Brian Farrell

Jonathan Croley

Partner, Ashfords LLP

Senior Associate, Ashfords LLP

Dr. Ruben Sakrabani Cranfield Soil & Agrifood Institute
David McKee Chief Technical Officer, BioCapital
Charles Ward New Stream Renewables
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