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Updated 2014/15 FIT & RHI tariffs

With the start of the new financial year, Feed-in Tariff (FIT) and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) support (for both existing and new accreditations) has been adjusted for inflation. On top of degression for small scale FIT projects, this leaves the…

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Waste management policy in England: inquiry launched

Given Defra’s intention of “stepping back” in areas of waste management where there is no clear market failure, a parliamentary inquiry has been launched to investigate Defra’s existing municipal waste management policies and what impact a reduction in their activities…

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Food waste landfill ban could create over 12,000 jobs

12,100 skilled jobs could be created if food waste was banned from landfill, according to recent figures from the think-tank Green Alliance. The publication cites an AD plant manager, with skills in SCADA training and HNC engineering as an example…

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State aid proposals: EU waters down FIT restriction

The European Commission has published an updated draft of its state aid guidelines, which had originally proposed to limit support available to Feed-in Tariff projects to below 1MW. While the latest draft disappointingly proposes to further limit support available under…

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Parliamentary inquiry: Growing the circular economy

A parliamentary committee is undertaking an inquiry into growing the circular economy, presenting an excellent opportunity to make the case for the economic and environmental benefits that anaerobic digestion (AD) and separate food waste collections can deliver. The Environmental Audit…

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DECC confirms post-RO settlement

DECC has this week confirmed how the transition from the Renewables Obligation (RO) to Contracts for Difference (CfD) will operate, including a 12 month grace period for those commissioning close to the closure of the RO to new generation in…

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Avoiding wasted heat: Scottish Government consults

As part of a consultation on decarbonising heat, the Scottish Government has asked for evidence on how AD projects can be encouraged to avoid wasting heat. DECC made a disappointing decision in December that existing biogas CHP plants that are…

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