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Paterson reiterates “strong support” for AD

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson has given strong backing to the treatment of food waste through anaerobic digestion (AD), declaring in a parliamentary committee this week that he was “a very strong supporter of AD”. Asked what Defra was doing to…

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ENA workshop: grid connection issues

Last Thursday, on an unseasonably mild autumn day in South Wales, I attended a workshop in Cardiff which considered the various obstacles facing renewables looking to connect to the electricity grid. Some of the important issues raised by generators included:…

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Parliamentary inquiry into funding low carbon innovation

An inquiry into funding for low carbon innovation has been launched by the parliamentary Energy and Climate Change Committee. This follows a report by the National Audit Office into public funding for low carbon innovation, which concluded that since 2010…

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EU examining sustainable phosphorus use

The European Union is consulting on the sustainable use of phosphorus, which presents an excellent opportunity to make the case that digestate generated in the AD process allows critical nutrients, such as phosphorus, to be returned to land to support…

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Changes at Defra in ministerial reshuffle

Farming Minister David Heath MP was the most notable casualty of the government’s ministerial reshuffle this week. Heath, who opened GENeco’s Avonmouth plant in December and was a supporter of AD, will be replaced by fellow Liberal Democrat Dan Rogerson…

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Transport Working Group preview: 8 October

Next week’s Transport Working Group will examine the progress the government has made in developing their HGV gas strategy and where we can input into the process, as well as mapping out the key funding opportunities available for gas vehicles…

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