On 23rd January 2025, ADBA submitted its response to UK ETS Scope Expansion: Maritime consultation…
ADBA: Food Waste Recycling Action Plan shows welcome government commitment
Responding to the launch of the Food Waste Recycling Action Plan at UK AD & Biogas 2016, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA), said:
“The Food Waste Recycling Action Plan has been a positive, collaborative process between government, WRAP, trade associations, AD operators and local authorities. It sets out a series of practical actions which will help increase the capture and recycling of food waste which cannot be eaten.
“The AD industry is delighted that Defra Minister Rory Steward has engaged in the plan, and welcomes his wider recognition that food waste policy is important for the UK’s economy and carbon budgets.
“ADBA is pleased to have been part of the steering group which has produced the FWRAP, and looks forward to continuing to work with partners to deliver the actions it has set out.”
The Food Waste Recycling Action Plan is available via the WRAP website, www.wrap.org.uk/foodwasterecycling.
Defra Minister Rory Stewart MP welcomed the Action Plan, saying:
The growth of the food waste recycling in the UK is a real success story, but more can be done. I welcome the Action Plan, showing how by working together, industry, government, businesses and local authorities can drive up the amount of unavoidable, inedible food waste that is recycled, helping our environment and boosting our economy.