On 23rd January 2025, ADBA submitted its response to UK ETS Scope Expansion: Maritime consultation…
Biomethane Injection Survey
ADBA previously ran a survey on behalf of researcher Alison Ireland on biomethane grid injection and the extent to which sites were being restricted.
The findings highlighted significant issues for existing producers in terms of restrictions due to grid pressure (capacity) at certain times of the year/day, and CV which presents real challenges in terms of the timings involved. She found that 76% of respondents may have to flare gas when grid access is restricted depending on circumstances.
The survey also revealed that there exist multiple biogas plants in the UK desirous of upgrading and injecting their gas, but unable to do so because they can’t strike a deal with the local gas distribution network (GDN – in the UK these are Cadent, NGN, SGN and Wales & West) to inject enough volume during the summer to make it worthwhile. Full details will be released early in the new year.
We received a good response, and would like to extend the survey to biogas producers wishing to upgrade and inject, but have had previous applications turned down or are unable to due to subsidy limitations (i.e. the new GGSS subsidy doesn’t support existing sites). This will help further the understanding around how many existing biogas sites would want to start upgrading to biomethane and what the main barriers would be.
The 5 minute survey can be found here https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CHRN88S