Following the Cassington AD plant lightning strike incident last October, ADBA has issued guidance notes…
Environment Agency Update
On the 18th September 2020 the EA updated us, as it has done throughout the pandemic, with more information on Regulatory Position Statements (RPSs) and Technical Competence requirements.
Regulatory Position Statements
There are currently 14 time limited COVID-19 RPSs in place, 13 of which are due to expire on 30 September 2020 and one which is due to expire on 30 November 2020. The 13 RPSs due to expire on the 30th September 2020 have been reviewed with the below outcomes.
Six will be allowed to expire on 30th September 2020:
- RPS C3: Water and Sewerage Company OSM and UWWTR sampling affected by Covid-19
- RPS C6: Storing treated sewage sludge you cannot move because of COVID-19 restrictions
- RPS C2: Exceeding waste storage limits at permitted sites because of COVID-19
- RPS C17: COVID-19 and storing waste at unpermitted sites due to exceeding your storage limits
- RPS C16: COVID-19 and temporary storage of incinerator bottom ash aggregate
- RPS C12: COVID-19 and spreading slurry or milk on land, or storing slurry
Five will have their expiry dates extended to 31st March 2021:
- RPS C8: Social distancing when signing and handing over waste transfer and consignment notes in person
- RPS C5: PPE waste from home healthcare workers treating patients with COVID-19
- RPS C1: Cleansing and PPE waste at a healthcare waste management facility
- RPS C13: Accumulating radioactive waste that you cannot transfer because of COVID-19
- RPS C15: COVID-19 and exceeding permit limits for medical use of radioactive substances
Two will expire and be reissued to cover the period 1st October 2020 to 31 January 2021:
- RPS C7: Monitoring emissions from some environmental permitting activities
- RPS C10: Reporting for installations, radioactive substances and waste permits
It remains the responsibility of anyone using a COVID-19 RPS to check when they expire on’s COVID-19 Regulatory Position Statements Website.
Technical Competence
The EA are still aware that there are continuing concerns regarding bookings for qualifications and assessments in relation to Wamitab/CIWM Technical competence schemes. They have extended the date to comply with the Wamitab/CIWM competence scheme until 1 January 2021.
Details of the extension and the conditions the EA require to be met are to be found on the Wamitab website. Those who are required to demonstrate Technical Competence should make a booking at the earliest available date and notify their local regulatory officer that they are awaiting their assessment. If this relates to renewing and existing competence assessment we ask that the operator notify Wamitab so they can keep a database of those candidates affected by the delays.