Following the Cassington AD plant lightning strike incident last October, ADBA has issued guidance notes…
Opportunity to contribute to International Energy Agency biogas work
Yesterday I attended, on behalf of ADBA, the UK AGM of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 37 on Biogas.
It was useful to see how the Task is bringing together researchers from across Europe to disseminate what research has been done and what the priorities are. Task 37 has a long list of brochures describing the research that has been done on areas such as pre-treatment and process monitoring. There's also a list of case studies and success stories. We think the success stories do not tell the full picture of the success of biogas here in the UK so please let myself or the IEA know if you have a success story you wish to be included. The website would be read worldwide.
The IEA is looking for a representative from a food waste operator to be on their UK board. It would be useful for the IEA to have a member of the larger-scale food waste operators because the focus has often been on the smaller scale. If you're interested let me know.