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MEMBER’S PRESS RELEASE: Edina supplies biogas CHP to new Yorkshire Water AD facility
Edina supplies biogas CHP to new Yorkshire Water AD facility
Water and sewerage service provider, Yorkshire Water, has been given approval to build a new £72million state-of-the-art anaerobic digestion (AD) plant at its Knostrop waste water treatment works in the centre of Leeds, West Yorkshire.
Yorkshire Water awarded the Knostrop contract to engineering, consulting and construction company, Black & Veatch. Following a competitive tendering process, Black & Veatch awarded Edina Group, a leading supplier, installer and maintenance provider for combined heat and power (CHP) plants, the contract to supply and install two 2MWe MWM manufactured TCG 2020 V20 CHP generating sets.
MWM generating sets are world renowned for achieving maximum electrical and thermal efficiency, low operating and servicing costs and high reliability and availability. Both generating sets will be containerised at Edina’s manufacturing facility based in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, further reducing site installation time, cost and carbon emissions.
The Knostrop waste water treatment works has been treating sewage from domestic properties and industry for approximately 100 years. The new AD facility will replace the existing sludge and bio-solid incinerator constructed in 1993 and enable more efficient and effective sewage treatment as well as the ability to produce energy on-site.
The AD facility will contribute to a 15% reduction in carbon emissions across Yorkshire Water, delivering “significant operational cost savings.”
Nevil Muncaster, Director of Asset Management, said:
This is the single biggest investment of our current investment period (2015-2020) and will not only provide increased treatment capacity for our sludge’s but will also deliver significant operational cost savings enabling us to keep customer bills as low as possible.
Knostrop is designated as a strategic waste site so by increasing the future sludge and bio-solid treatment capacity of the works the project will support also growth in the Leeds sub-regions.
Scheduled for completion in 2019, the AD facility will process 131 tonnes of dry sludge every day, and generate enough renewable energy, using the Edina installed CHP plants, to power 55% of the site’s energy requirements, enough to power 8,000 homes, and help to achieve 94% recycling of the regions sludge by 2020.
Tony Fenton, Joint Managing Director, Edina Group, comments:
We are privileged to be supporting Yorkshire Water on delivering another successful biogas CHP project at Knostrop. Our vast industry experience coupled with the high efficiencies and electrical output of the TCG 2020 V20 engine, provide the perfect solution to deliver Yorkshire Water’s strategic aims and environmental goals.
Edina remains the preferred biogas CHP supplier on most advanced digestion and AD projects commissioned in the UK, having installed over 70MWe across the sewage and waste water treatment sector for clients Welsh Water, Northumbrian Water, Anglian Water, Yorkshire Water, Thames Water, Southern Water, Manchester Waste, Lancashire Waste, Cory Environmental, Biffa, Shanks Group Plc and State of Jersey.