At the end of January, ADBA submitted a response to the DfT call for evidence…
Out now – the new ADBA Members' Directory 2013/14
Listing more organisations, more products and more services than ever before, our biggest AD & Biogas Industry Directory to date reflects the 36% growth of the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry in the UK over the past 12 months. As a buyer you have more choice of tried and tested AD products and services than ever before ranging from micro scale to large scale, on farm to industrial to wastewater projects.
So when sourcing your equipment, make sure to turn to our products and services guide (p. 98-104) for a list of key suppliers and view the companies’ profiles to learn more and get in touch. If you are looking for AD representation, information, support, advice, networking and promotional opportunities then turn to pages 14-15 for a description of our services including what is new for 2013/14. Plus, don’t forget to turn to our diary pages to see where you can meet the suppliers in person, find out more about the industry, learn and network (p.16-17).
Looking ahead, how will the AD market develop in 2014 and beyond? It is no secret that despite the 36% increase in plants in 2013 and 200 plants in planning, there are still issues we as an industry and the government must address, including food waste availability, best practice, RHI support and End of Waste standards to name but a few. The recent announcement of the review of FIT degression is, however, very positive news and shows that working together to address these issues with government departments and agencies can make a difference and help us to realise the full potential of AD in the UK.
Also in this directory you can find:
- A foreword by Alan Knight, Chairman of the Cornish and Isles of Scilly Nature Partnership and Sustainability Director of Business in the Community (p. 4)
- An update from me on the progress of the AD industry (p. 8)
- Profiles of our board of directors (p. 11)
- Our team including our contact details (p. 12-13)
- The latest information on our working and operator groups (p. 19-21)
- An updated list of useful industry contacts (p. 105-106)
I hope that you enjoy reading more about our members and ADBA and find our directory useful. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the next 12 months.
With best wishes,
Charlotte Morton
Chief Executive