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PRESS STATEMENT: Anaerobic digestion industry response to Ecotricity ‘vegan electricity tariff’
Responding to Ecotricity's introduction of a 'vegan' electricity tariff, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA), said:
Ecotricity's campaign serves to highlight the considerable waste generated by society today, which the anaerobic digestion industry recycles into valuable green energy and biofertilisers.
We fully support the waste hierarchy and believe that as little waste as possible should be produced across all areas of society, including food waste and agriculture. In an ideal world, there would be no need for our industry.
But where these wastes are produced – and they are, in huge quantities – it's critical that they are recycled through anaerobic digestion – which gets by far the most out of them compared to other waste treatment technologies – into renewable energy and soil-restoring biofertiliser rather than left wasted and untreated to release climate-change-inducing methane into the atmosphere.
In the same way as recyclers of other materials such as paper, metal, or glass, anaerobic digestion is offering a solution to a problem we all create.
Anaerobic digestion is there to make the best of agricultural and other organic wastes (such as sewage and food waste) where they do arise, not to cause them in the first place – and this is a hugely important distinction.
Notes for editors
Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association:
ADBA is the trade association for the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry in the UK and companies and organisations working on novel technologies and processes that compliment the anaerobic digestion process and products. With our members we promote the economic and environmental benefits of AD in the UK.
We represent organisations from many sectors including: AD operators, AD developers, AD equipment providers, water companies, farmers, food & drink retailers, waste companies, universities and more.
Contact details
Chris Noyce, PR & Parliamentary Affairs Executive, ADBA
T: 020 3176 5441 E:
Twitter: @adbioresources