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Welcome to the latest issue of AD & Bioresources News: On-farm AD and UK AD & Biogas 2015
Many of Britain’s farmers are struggling to remain profitable in the face of supermarket price wars, rising energy bills and volatile commodity markets. Meanwhile, Britain’s AD sector is booming, having grown 622 per cent in the past five years (outside the water sector); indeed last year alone the industry grew by 111 per cent. Our feature on p8-13 “AD and farming – the perfect fit” considers individual case studies and looks at how AD can help to keep farmers farming. The article explores the many ways in which on-farm AD can be beneficial, from allowing a farm to be more self-sufficient in terms of heat and electricity to reducing waste disposal and fertiliser costs, as well as numerous environmental benefits.
The biggest event in the ADBA and UK AD calendars – UK AD & Biogas 2015 – is just around the corner. We hope you will be able to join us on 1-2 July at the NEC for the UK’s only dedicated AD, biogas and bioresources trade show. This year the show offers our most impressive array of FREE content including: a two-day conference, 22 seminar sessions, one-to-one advice clinics, R&D Hub, Biomethane Vehicle Area, Edina networking café and Farmers’ Breakfast Briefings. Find out more about what is on offer on p22-26. Also don’t miss an evening celebrating the best in AD at the UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 (1 July, NEC). This promises to be a fabulous evening of entertainment, good food and networking – see p21 for more information and an announcement of the Awards shortlist.
In this issue we also look at what the results of the election mean for the AD industry. My column on p4 discusses the need to impress upon government both the renewable energy and non-energy benefits of AD, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of this adaptable technology. On p32-33 we provide a “Who’s who guide to key cabinet ministers”. Finally, don’t miss our advice clinic on training on p14 and a feature on pre-treatment technology on p28-30.
Also inside this issue:
- Foreword by Chris Huhne, ADBA’s Strategic Advisor (p3)
- ADBA News (p4-6)
- Site Visit: Bygrave Lodge food waste facility (p18)
- Policy (p32-33)
- Operator & Working Groups (p34)
- ADBA R&D Forum 2015 Review (p37)
- Upcoming Events (p39)
- Review: ADBA’s Executive Debate Series (p40)
I hope you find this issue enjoyable and informative. If you haven’t contributed before and would like to, turn to p3 to see how you can be involved in our upcoming features. As always, if you have any views, comments or suggestions – or would like us to visit your site – please get in touch by email: marketing@adbioresources.org or phone: +44 (0)203 176 0590.
We look forward to welcoming you to our show in July,
Charlotte Morton
Chief Executive
PS: Don’t forget to register for your free UK AD & Biogas 2015 visitor pass here.