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World Biogas Association to partner with UK AD & Biogas to showcase global biogas industry
With the global biogas market estimated at £1trn and energy security, climate change and the UN Sustainable Development Goals driving the need to rapidly increase the uptake of biogas, the World Biogas Association (WBA) has agreed to partner with the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) to showcase the global biogas industry at ADBA’s leading AD & Biogas trade show, which last year was attended by participants from over 50 countries.
UK AD & Biogas and World Biogas Expo 2017 will take place on the 5-6 July at the NEC in Birmingham. This will be the show’s seventh consecutive year, and will consolidate its position as the #1 global trade show for the biogas industry.
The WBA, founded in 2016 at COP22 in Marrakesh to promote and facilitate the growth of the global biogas industry, will develop the global element of the show. Located in the same hall as UK AD & Biogas, World Biogas Expo 2017 will have its own dedicated space, international pavilions and conference area. UK AD & Biogas 2017 will retain its focus on the UK market.
Exhibitors throughout the combined event will be showcasing all the products and services required to build the range of plants needed across all sectors, including agriculture, sewage treatment, waste management, transport, heat and power, and for the first time separate food waste collection infrastructure, landfill gas and biomethane vehicles. If you need food waste collection infrastructure to get the most out of your waste arisings in Panama, renewable energy to power your irrigation systems in Morocco, or a biogas plant to deal with tonnes of sargassum growing along your coastline, this is the place to come to find out how AD can solve your problem.
AD operators will be able to discover the latest research and technological innovations emerging from the market, helping to maximise the efficiency and performance of your plant and ensuring you maintain a competitive advantage.
The one-stop shop for everything biogas, the event will allow attendees from around the world to benefit from the huge opportunities offered by this exciting industry and network with others to share knowledge and best practice.
ADBA Chief Executive Charlotte Morton:
Last year we expanded UK AD & Biogas to include opportunities for exhibitors and visitors in the most exciting growing global markets for AD and biogas, with delegations and visitors from over 50 countries.
As the meeting point and hub of both the UK and global AD industries, this year’s expanded UK AD & Biogas and World Biogas Expo 2017 is the perfect place for AD professionals and others to share expertise and ideas and perhaps seal that sought-after business deal, with more business being done in the industry across these two days than in the rest of the year.
The event will facilitate learning and best practice across existing UK and international markets and identify new opportunities where AD/biogas can solve significant problems across all sectors around the world. This will be the catalyst for ensuring that biogas’ immense potential is realised worldwide.
WBA President David Newman:
Biogas can help to solve so many global challenges, from reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and increasing energy security. I’d strongly encourage national governments to attend the event to see how they can incorporate AD into their plans and policies to help meet their needs.
Michael Theodoulou, Senior Product Manager in Anaerobic Technologies at GE Water & Process Technologies:
GE is proud to be a member of ADBA and to support the UK AD & Biogas and World Biogas Expo 2017. The global biogas industry is developing at an astonishing pace and GE's Water and Process Technologies is committed to continuing to develop technologies for this market globally.
You can register your place at UK AD & Biogas and World Biogas Expo 2017 here.