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RHI October update

BEIS have released the latest RHI degression mechanism data. The scheme still remains above expenditure and in the past month both biogas and biomethane remain over the forecast expenditure. At the end of October BEIS will be announcing the next tariff…

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RHI Degression: Biogas tariffs cut 25%; biomethane cut 5%

BEIS released an update of the RHI scheme which states that, on 1st October 2016, tariffs for new biomethane plants will see a degression of 5% and biogas will see a 25% degression as shown below: Technology Category Exisiting Tariff (p/kWh) Degression (%) New…

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RHI Update June 2016

BEIS have released the latest RHI mechanism data. The scheme still remains above expenditure and in the past month both biogas and biomethane remain over the forecast expenditure. At the end of August BEIS will be announcing the next tariff…

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The political case for AD starts with you!

What’s changed? HM Treasury appears to be refusing to participate in constructive dialogue on the vital role of renewables in a thriving UK economy, and each government department is currently pre-occupied grappling with how to meet the hefty cost reductions…

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DECC Feed-in Tariff review – cost data

This year DECC will be undertaking a comprehensive review of the Feed-in Tariff. This includes collecting data on the cost of the data technology to calculate whether the tariff is justified.  We have been collecting cost data from a variety…

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DECC to change RHI degression forecasting; clarify calculation

As members who have attended our biomethane working groups are aware, DECC have been working on an issue with their biomethane forecasting methodology which could mean plants effectively count twice towards degression. In short, the current methodology effectively assumes that…

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Boost in small scale AD before tariff cut

DECC has released Feed-in Tariff (FIT) deployment data for November 2014 which highlights that many developers made pre-accreditation applications in September in order to avoid the full force of Feed-in Tariff cuts, which are brought about by the degression policy. …

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