UK AD & Biogas Pipeline Data Published
[Image] Today we have published the latest data on the UK AD & biogas market in our Pipeline. The pipeline will give the best view of the AD industry as it stands and is available for members of ADBA. The…
[Image] Today we have published the latest data on the UK AD & biogas market in our Pipeline. The pipeline will give the best view of the AD industry as it stands and is available for members of ADBA. The…
Conditions in the ≤500 kWe AD sector have deteriorated in the last year, reducing new developments in the sector to negligible levels (see charts on pages 6-9). Tariff degressions in the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) have halved the support available at…
We've updated ADBA's AD plant database with all the latest details on new operational plants and plants moving through the planning process. As well as providing information on individual plants, this spreadsheet provides the basis for the market reports we…
We are working with the NNFCC and others to collect AD plant operational data for WRAP (also to be used by DEFRA). This is used to produce key data that DEFRA and DECC use to inform decisions on issues like…
Spending Review Special! Welcome to our second comprehensive Market Report, launched at our seventh National Conference. Looking back to our first Conference in December 2009, the UK’s AD landscape looked rather different.
Since our first Market Report was published at UK AD & Biogas 2015, the policy outlook for renewables (including AD) has deteriorated.
We have updated our market analysis page. This includes the latest information we held in August on the plants moving through the planning process. This also includes our July market report. If you have any queries on the page or…
Our report shows how far the industry has come, and how much potential we still have to realise. This baseline information will support our policy and regulatory work, and we hope it will also provide members, funders and anyone else…
I've updated our market analysis page with details of the latest developments in the AD market. The presentations on the page show that we now have 157 plants outside of the water sector, of which 8 are biomethane. We have…