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RHI Tariff Guarantee update: getting ready for financial close

Following the introduction of the Tariff Guarantee application process with the reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), Ofgem publishes information on a weekly basis on the following: Number of tariff guarantee applications made; The number of provisional tariff guarantee…

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How to align reporting periods on the RHI and FIT

With the introduction of feedstock restrictions for new plants registering onto the Feed-in Tariff and sustainability criteria reporting from 1 May 2017, many ADBA members reported to us that much of the data and processes used to produce these reports was…

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Ofgem update on Tariff Guarantee applications

The Tariff Guarantee application process under the Renewable Heat Incentive opened on 22 May 2018 and has seen 78 applications to date from the different eligible technologies, with 40-50 of these being biomethane plants. You can check my blog from…

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Phased end to embedded benefits now underway

Ofgem is proceeding to remove net charging for all smaller embedded generation (which includes AD plants exporting electricity to the grid) and is currently around £47.30/kW and replace it with a payment of a value equal to the value of…

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