Did you miss last week’s ADBA Members Meeting? Or did you attend, but would still like to take note of a few slides?
The meeting featured:
- A welcome address from Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of ADBA
- Market, policy and regulation overviews from Dr Nick Primmer and Leanne Williams
- HSE and ADCS updates from ADBA’s Technical Support Manager, Josh Henthorne
- An introduction of the Gas Customer Forum by Katie Harrison from the Energy Networks Association
- Updates on DEFRA’s Clean Air Policy and the forthcoming Organics Fertiliser Regulations from Policy Advisor Calum Irvine
- An update on the Gas Vehicle Network including key barriers to the growth of biomethane in transport from Isaac Occhipinti, Director of External Affairs
- A presentation on how AD businesses can enable cash flow through tax relief incentives from Matilda Hayward and George Stuffins at Leyton
Also, delegates networked with each other face-to-face and 'virtual tables.'
As a benefit of membership, you get exclusive access to the video recordings and PowerPoint files.
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