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ADBA calls for feedback on AD and Energy Sector in Scotland

The Scottish government recently published its draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, mapping out the future of Scotland’s energy sector with an ambitious suite of actions for the Scottish government, industry, the energy regulator, and also the UK government.

The draft strategy aims to set out the scale and provide clarity in Scotland’s pathway to transform its energy sector from generation to transport, and to usage across the board. Through the strategy, the government envision a “flourishing, climate-friendly energy system” that delivers affordable and clean energy supplies for the country’s consumers. Scotland currently has a great track record in renewables, and this plan further sets out clear policy positions and a road map for the Scottish government to take and the UK government to deliver.

While the draft strategy recognises the importance of bioenergy and AD as an alternative to fossil fuels, it fails to consider AD and its potential to deliver decarbonisation immediately. In our response, we will emphasise the importance of AD as a mature industry with a ready-to-launch technology that can help Scotland reach its vision on time. As we are preparing the ADBA’s response to the call for evidence we are reaching out to our members operating in Scotland and also to the wider member body to gather insights, to strengthen our response.

Please take the short (6-7 min) survey below to provide your insights.


Alternatively, please reach out to Wasundara via to provide your feedback regarding the AD and energy sector in Scotland.


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