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Analysis on the biogas potential from livestock, manure and crop residues
The report published today is the result of a collaborative project within the Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels (f3) and presents a spatially explicit approach for estimating the availability of agricultural wastes — crop residues and animal manure — across the EU.
The report also allows for an analysis of how key economic and technical constraints such as minimum viable plant size, maximum collection distances for substrates, and substrate composition
affects the total potential for biogas production. Two key findings include:
- Total available biogas substrates from agricultural wastes in the EU28
amounts to roughly 80 million tonnes of crop residues and 110 million
tonnes of animal manure. - Three quarters of the manure and a fifth of the crop
residues are technically and economically exploitable for biogas production, yielding
a total biogas potential from agricultural wastes of almost 700 PJ (HHV) per