The ADBA Scottish Conference 2025 is taking place 26 March in Edinburgh. Scotland’s only oil…
Analysis: Biomass Strategy presents certainty and opportunity
The launch of the government’s BIOMASS STRATEGY presents some certainty and a set of clear opportunities for the UK biogas industry. Off the back of the strategy, here are reasons why you should attend the ADBA National Conference on 6th December in Westminster, London
Sector growth – 30-40TWh of biomethane is REQUIRED to achieve Net Zero, a 5-fold increase on current production.
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) – Greenhouse gas removals are essential to the UK’s net zero strategy. “AD plants will need to consider longer-term opportunities to provide a form of BECCS. CO2 capture represents a significant opportunity for the AD industry”.
Green gas battery – Independent modelling identifies biomethane in the gas grid as the enabler (baseload) for greater deployment of wind and solar.
Regenerative farming – Crops from integrated crop rotations will have a useful role to play in stabilising green gas production.
Transport fuel – Biomethane as transport fuel is back on the agenda. “Its use is particularly attractive for HGVs and agricultural machinery and other hard to decarbonise fleets, which may be more challenging to electrify”.
These key opportunities will be discussed at the ADBA National Conference, the UK’s landmark biogas conference. Click here to see the programme and register.
For further details, see the article in the latest edition of AD & Bioresources, the magazine of the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (see below)
Find out more how the Biomass Strategy affects your business and what you can do next. Come to the…
ADBA National Conference
6th December
Westminster, London
Time is running out to book onto
the flagship conference of the
UK anaerobic digestion and
bioresources industry