ADBA National Conference 2024 - Key takeaways By Dr Gareth Mottram, Policy Lead, ADBA On…
Biomethane Certification Scheme wins M&S's backing as buyer
Green Gas Trading Ltd. (GGT) is delighted to welcome news that the majority of Biomethane Certificates (BMCs) from the green gas produced at Future Biogas’s new £8 million state-of-the-art biomethane plant in Doncaster has been purchased by leading UK supermarket, Marks and Spencer plc. The BMCs, registered with GGT in the name of Future Biogas, represent the green (or ‘bio’) element of the biomethane produced at the plant (rather than the physical gas itself). The certificates allow M&S to demonstrate that they have decarbonised their existing gas supply without affecting any existing contractual arrangements in place across their UK stores. Commenting, Head of Energy Supply at M&S, Gio Patellaro, said:
M&S is committed to maintaining its carbon neutrality by investing in renewable energy and so we are delighted to announce today that we have become a member of Green Gas Trading Ltd., having signed an agreement to become a long term buyer of Biomethane Certificates from Future Biogas’ Doncaster gas to grid plant.
After careful consideration of the market, we were particularly attracted by the lifecycle carbon analysis which is embedded in the Biomethane Certification Scheme’s methodology, which will allow M&S to decarbonise our gas supply whilst simultaneously supporting the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry.
Responding to the news Grant Ashton, CEO of Green Gas Trading, said:
We are delighted to welcome M&S as the first FTSE100 buyer to the Biomethane Certification Scheme (BMCS) and are particularly pleased that M&S has also chosen to become a member of Green Gas Trading, indicating their intention to become a long term user of BMCs.
The BMCS methodology certificates the embedded carbon in the biomethane production process and is key to the acceptance of biomethane certificates as an offset for carbon reporting purposes. The fact that a leading UK supermarket, like M&S, recognises this is an important vote of confidence in our scheme and validates the extensive work that has gone into its design and implementation.
Future Biogas Managing Director, Philipp Lukas, said:
We believe it is essential to provide the right traceability of biomethane’s green credentials, which is why we are delighted that M&S has echoed this sentiment through their decision to buy the majority of our Biomethane Certificates.
We hope to further benefit as Green Gas Trading broadens the market and continues to facilitate links between green gas producers and buyers.
Charlotte Morton, GGT Director and CEO of Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association (ADBA), added:
We are delighted that M&S has joined Future Biogas, Tamar Energy and other AD operators to become a shareholder in Green Gas Trading (GGT), following significant due diligence to test the robustness of the systems and processes behind GGT’s Biomethane Certification Scheme. GGT was established with our backing to ensure that the benefit of the 'green' element of biomethane is retained by the producers, not the shippers or suppliers, thus maximising its value, which will be vital for AD developers as tariffs degress.