ADBA's Vision for a Net Zero Future from Policy to Practice We were proud to…
Clean Growth Plan to arrive in Autumn
Claire Perry MP, the new Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry has announced plans for BEIS to release its long awaited Clean Growth Plan, first expected in 2016. Speaking in Parliament, Perry said:
My intention is to publish the Clean Growth Plan when Parliament returns from the summer recess, and I look forward to cross-party discussion and hopefully consensus on a hugely important document, both for Britain's domestic future and our international leadership.
Summer recess ends on 5 September.
The Plan is expected to include new policies for energy, transport, and building sectors. Each area and the resulting policy will impact the UK's approach to decarbonisation throughout the next decade. Progress is needed with the Climate Change Act binding the new Government to a 57% emissions reduction by 2032, compared to 1990 levels, and at least an 80% reduction by 2050.
Policies in each of these areas are certain to impact the AD industry and over the coming weeks and months ADBA will be preparing our arguments for: renewable basload energy, agricultural emissions abatement, and low carbon transport. ADBA will also be lobbying for further financial support from Treasury to support these decarbonisation efforts.
Discussing the UK carbon budgets Perry continued:
We were the first country in the world to set binding carbon budgets, we have over achieved on the first one and second one, and our full intention is to engage the whole of government and industry in delivering on the upcoming budgets.
You can read the full debate on the Government's carbon reduction plan here.