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Engineered Removal of Carbon is Creating Opportunities for the Biogas Sector

To keep global warming below 2°C—ideally 1.5°C—we must do more than just cut emissions; we need to actively remove carbon from the atmosphere.

The Climate Change Committee’s Seventh Carbon Budget released in February 2025 highlights carbon capture storage and engineered removals as key to meeting our carbon commitments under the Paris Agreement and Global Methane Pledge. The IPCC states that alongside substantial emission reductions, up to 10 gigatonnes of CO₂ needs to be removed from the atmosphere annually to achieve net zero goals. This presents a major opportunity for the biogas sector, which already captures CO₂ when upgrading biogas to biomethane. Richard Gueterbock explores how biogas sites and industry can collaborate on long-term CO₂ storage with pioneering companies driving novel carbon removal solutions. 
These processes can achieve the same level of carbon storage in one hour as 50 trees would over a year, offering a scalable and efficient supplement to natural CO₂ storage.
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