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First producer signs up to biomethane certification scheme
Future Biogas, an established and experienced builder and operator of anaerobic digestion plants in the UK, is to become the first registered producer to join the Biomethane Certification Scheme (BMCS) run by Green Gas Trading Limited (GGT).
Explaining the company’s decision Philipp Lukas, Managing Director, Future Biogas, said:
We believe it is essential to provide the right traceability of biomethane’s green credentials, that is why we have chosen to use GGT and we are confident that GGT will broaden the market and facilitate links between green gas producers and buyers.
“Furthermore the use of a registry and accreditation means the certificates should be tradable across borders if the opportunity arises in the future.
Future Biogas’ first biomethane to grid plant at Doncaster began operations at the end of October. The plant which opened officially yesterday [3 Dec] was delivered in partnership with National Grid is now injecting gas into the grid in South Yorkshire.
Responding to the news Grant Ashton, CEO, Green Gas Trading, said:
We are delighted to welcome Future Biogas as the first producer to the Biomethane Certification Scheme and are particularly pleased that Future Biogas selected the BMCS after recognising the benefits that a separately tradable certificate has to a biomethane producer over a simple gas tracking scheme.
We believe that the BMCS methodology that certifies the embedded carbon in the biomethane production process is the key to acceptance of biomethane certificates as an offset for carbon reporting purposes. The fact that a respected biomethane producer such as Future Biogas recognises this is an important vote of confidence in our scheme and validates the extensive work that has gone into its design and implementation.