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Help us choose the name of our AD certification scheme
Last week, we discussed our work on improving standards in the AD industry with ADBA members at the Autumn Members’ Meeting. As we raised then, we are currently considering the name for the certification scheme that we have been developing with our members and other stakeholders since 2015. The name of the scheme is an important consideration and we are seeking views from all industry stakeholders – including our own members and other organisations in the sector.
The project has been referred to as the ‘Best Practice Scheme’ up until now but the certification scheme will be renamed when it launches (see the end of this blog for an explanation on why we are considering the name at this stage). The scheme will provide an independent audit and certification process covering aspects of the operation of AD plants which relate to health and safety, environmental and operational performance. The scheme will require the audit of individual AD plants. You can read more about the scheme and download the pilot scheme documents here.
To get your feedback we are running a survey, which you can respond to by clicking here. There are several options and we would like you to select your first and second choice as set out in the survey. We’ll then take all of these views into account in the decision-making process. The survey will close at 11am on Monday 20th November.
As well as any personal views or preferences, factors we would particularly like respondents to consider are:
- Clarity of the name
- Potential clashes with existing schemes or potential for confusion
- Effectiveness at reflecting the messages of the scheme
- Likely attractiveness to operators
Your views will really help us to understand how our members and the wider industry will react to the scheme name and will help us make the right choice. If you don’t like the sound of any of our proposed names and have an alternative suggestion please do let us know!
Why are we changing the name?
The name of the scheme has been under consideration for some months – there are some concerns around the use of 'Best Practice' when referring to a certification scheme, as best practice is an evolving concept and difficult to define. We also wanted to ensure that the industry continues to strive for improvement once the scheme is up and running.
Following consideration of the concerns, we decided to refer to ADBA’s wider ongoing work in this area as our ‘Best Practice Programme’, which will encompass the certification scheme along with any training we develop, guidance and resources we publish and other initiatives to highlight and recognise leadership in our sector. This will allow a wider set of industry players to get involved in this area of work, broadening its reach beyond operators (who are the main focus for the certification scheme) to be more inclusive (for example, to the supply chain). We hope that this will be a positive step which will work towards our aims of improving environmental, health and safety, and operational performance of the sector as a whole. By renaming the certification element, we also avoid confusion with the wider programme.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the name of the scheme and hope that this blog provides clarity on our aims for this work. We are excited to launch the scheme (including a brand new website) in December.
If you have any questions, please contact me at