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MEMBER PRESS RELEASE: Gemidan Ecogi gets official documentation on green technology
Few companies can claim that they have independent and official ‘proof’ that their product meets its objectives in terms of efficiency, performance and meeting customer needs. Gemidan Ecogi is one of the first companies in Europe to receive this prodigious ETV Verification product endorsement that says just that.
The Danish company, Gemidan Ecogi (previously trading as Komtek Miljø), has received the ETV Verification certification after working for four years developing an innovative, top performing food waste pre-treatment technology for use in the anaerobic digestion sector. Process monitoring and having an independent and robust testing regime in place has been crucial throughout the development process.
The Ecogi technology ensures the optimal conversion of organic waste from households, retail and food producers – first as a source of renewable energy in the form of biogas and secondly as a virtually contamination free fertilizer on farmland.
Jens Peter Jensen, Gemidan Ecogi’s COO says:
The ETV verification is important for us because it gives us the seal of approval that our Ecogi technology effectively and efficiently processes source separated food waste that incorporates up to 20% contaminants in the form of plastic, glass, metal, etc. The process produces a high quality ‘pulp’ for use in biogas production that is confirmed to be 99.96% free from contamination. At the same time the Ecogi technology optimizes the recovery of the organic content – measured to be 92.96% – from the original feedstock.
Thomas Bruun, Managing Director of ETA-Denmark – a branch of Danish Standard – accredited to issue verifications of environmental technologies, said:
With this documentation Gemidan Ecogi takes a leading position as a supplier of a high performing green technology. It helps to highlight Denmark as a role model in climate and environmental technologies in the EU, where only a handful of companies have been verified so far. ETA Denmark has issued five of a total of 10 EU ETV declarations of verification, which have been issued until now.
Tony Pickess, UK Sales Director, Gemidan Ecogi, added:
This independent and internationally recognised award confirms the performance of our pre-treatment process and will prove to be a door opener as we bring this exciting new technology to the UK.
For further information please contact:
Tony Pickess, UK Sales Director, Gemidan Ecogi – Mobile: 077 1898 610 Email:
Jens Peter Jensen, COO, Gemidan Ecogi A/S Mobile: +45 21 25 40 02 Email: