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New Labour Party interest in separate food waste collections
While we are aware of government looking at the costs and benefits of providing funding for authorities in England to introduce separate food waste collections, we have also recently been discussing these with the new Labour Shadow Minister for Shadow Farming & Rural Affairs (who also has responsibility for wate and recycling), David Drew MP.
We had a meeting with David and one of his researchers this week, and have provided the case for separate collections.
It is great that Labour are showing such an interest in the subject. It is important that all parties are on board.
Furthermore, we have heard through separate meetings with departmental officials that the estimated cost for introducing food waste collections across England may now be as little as £30m per year, as contracts with other waste treatment techniques decline. However, we're yet to see these figues confirmed. The new lower figure would reflect the lower gate fee costs that local authorities would pay through their contracts since AD gate fees have fallen, as detailed in WRAP's gate fees reports.
We are discussing with David whether to hold an exhibition in parliament in January. They would invite all MPs, and we would ask some members to put up stands on AD. If you want to be involved you can get in touch with our Head of Parliamentary Affairs – Jon Harrison on