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PRESS STATEMENT: Anaerobic digestion industry response to NSA article
Responding to the National Sheep Association’s comments on government support for anaerobic digestion (AD), Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA), said:
Purpose-grown energy crops are just one of a number of feedstocks that AD plants can use to produce renewable heat and power, low-carbon transport fuel, and nutrient-rich biofertiliser, each of which helps to reduce the UK's greenhouse gas emissions. Avoiding runaway climate change is critical to preserving global food production, and the UK needs to meet 10% of its energy demand from bioenergy if it is to meet its carbon reduction targets.
The growing of AD crops as part of an agricultural rotation is a proven farming method that improves soil quality and food production yields and reduces the need for chemical pesticides and herbicides. Growing crops to produce bioenergy also naturally aids pest and weed control by, for example, controlling the growth of blackgrass, which can no longer be adequately controlled by chemical herbicides.
Our analysis suggests that the growing of crops for AD is not having a significant impact on animal feed or human food outputs. It's important to remember that, compared to other land uses, the impact of land used for growing crops for AD is minimal: less than 1% of land in England and even less across other parts of the UK, with much more land used for golf courses.
Notes for editors
Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association:
ADBA is the trade association for the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry in the UK and companies and organisations working on novel technologies and processes that compliment the anaerobic digestion process and products. With our members we promote the economic and environmental benefits of AD in the UK.
We represent organisations from many sectors including: AD operators, AD developers, AD equipment providers, water companies, farmers, food & drink retailers, waste companies, universities and more.
Contact details
Chris Noyce, PR & Parliamentary Affairs Executive, ADBA
T: 020 3176 5441 E:
Twitter: @adbioresources