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What’s in store for AD in 2017?

2016 was the year that 2015's big policy decisions really started to come into effect: the decision of the 2015 spending review to support renewable heat with over £1bn, and the decision to cap AD deployment to the Feed-In Tariff…

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BEIS eye up food waste

At the kind invitation of members, over the last few weeks ADBA has arranged for 25 civil servants to visit AD plants. Last week a group from BEIS, including staff working on the FIT and CfD visited Agrivert’s West London…

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Autumn statement: is no news (mostly) good news?

The Chancellor's first autumn statement was long on doomsday economic forecasting and short on white rabbits, dividing lines or really and kind of serviceable metaphor. While there may be plenty of changes the AD sector would like to see in government…

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Ofgem webinar for FIT applicants

Ofgem have asked us to publicise a webinar on 6th December on “How to submit a successful FIT application” which will mainly focus on applicants converting their preliminary applications to full but will cover a range of topics that may be…

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BEIS delay FIT consultation response

Government has delayed its response to the FIT consultation. The response was expected in autumn with proposals to come into effect from 1 January 2017 - this has now been changed. In a message sent out to all who had…

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