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Best Practice Scheme for AD – get involved!
The Best Practice Scheme for AD is now well on its way to the launch of a pilot scheme in July. We are currently in the process of drafting the documents that will set out how the scheme will work and the criteria that AD operators would need to meet to be certified to it.
These documents will be released for wider review very soon – at the moment we are still consulting our steering group. We are keen to get input and feedback from as many stakeholders as possible, particularly AD operators, and as such will make the drafts available on our website in the next couple of weeks.
As a reminder of the aims of this project, the overall goal is to help the AD industry work to high standards of environmental protection, health and safety and operational performance. There are multiple benefits to this – high quality outputs, improved reputation, lower insurance premiums, motivated staff, better financing deals and improved relationships with regulators. ADBA is leading this project with support from a wide range of stakeholders.
Please do let me know directly if you are interested in being closely involved and kept more directly up to date. Just email me at The more of the AD community that get involved, the more effective we can be at producing an inclusive, fit for purpose scheme, and it is useful in itself just to know that you are interested and supportive. All ADBA members are kept up to date with our work via weekly email updates.
If you just can’t wait for the draft documents to be released, you can familiarise yourself with the likely content and purpose of the scheme by reading our three guidance documents covering Risk Management, Procurement and Operational Performance. You can view and download them all free of charge here. We hope that all those in the AD industry find these a useful source of information in their own right.
Join the discussion!
If you're an ADBA member, there is a prime opportunity to give your thoughts on the scheme and hear more at the Regulatory Forum on 23rd May in Bristol. Simply email Cheryl Murdoch to register your place, at By this time, the draft documents should be publicly available for review and we will definitely be delving into the details with attendees. The event also includes updates from the Environment Agency, presentations from industry experts and networking opportunities.
Date for your diaries
We will be launching the pilot of the scheme at UK AD & Biogas 2017 on 5-6th July at the NEC in Birmingham. This is free to attend for everyone, whether an ADBA member or not, and will have an exciting programme showcasing the latest developments in AD. If you’re interested in best practice in AD, make sure you’re there. Find out more here.