AD and Biogas: Accelerating the Energy Transition.
Biomethane is on target to be flowing into the Northern Ireland gas grid from this September. It is the first small step on an ambitious journey to make the province a biomethane powerhouse and net exporter.
The target of the gas transmission and distribution companies is to have a net zero gas grid in Northern Ireland by 2050. To achieve this will require the development of ~150 biomethane production plants.
The transition is seen as a key driver of economic growth and job creation across the region.
A collaborative research project supported by the Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy (CASE) and Invest NI has found that Northern Ireland has the resources to produce more biomethane from agricultural waste and underutilised grassland than previously thought possible – over 6.12 TWh per annum.
This equates to 82% of regional distribution network demand in 2021. The gas networks say this estimation is conservative as it does not include potential feedstock from dedicated energy crops or domestic and non-domestic waste.
ADBA’s Northern Ireland Conference will consider:
- the technical, policy, legislative and regulatory preparation being pursued to facilitate the decarbonisation of the energy system and the scale up of renewables gases in NI;
- plans to establish Bio-CNG infrastructure to support transport sector’s transition to renewable gas-powered vehicles; and
- inward investment opportunities.
The full day Northern Ireland Conference will also consider the revenue potential of CO2 and optimisation of digestate as part of a nutrient management system and gateway to further bio-refining and revenue streams.

NB: The 2022 ADBA Northern Ireland event was sold out so whilst this year’s venue will have greater capacity, we advise delegates to register ASAP to avoid disappointment.
08:00 – 09:00 Registration
09:05 – 09:15 Welcome from ADBA Chair – Chris Huhne, Chair, Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association
09:15 – 10:25 AD: A Win-Win-Win for the Environment, Energy and the Economy
Chaired & Moderated by Chris Huhne
Following the passing of the Northern Ireland’s Climate Change Act, the UK Climate Change Committee has said the province must maximise its biogas potential if it is to deliver on its net zero targets. This expert panel will consider the opportunities this represents and gain the latest government insight on the roadmap for the rapid scale-up of AD (Anaerobic Digestion) and biogas in Northern Ireland.
Wasundara Doradeniya, Policy Analyst, ADBA – The Case for Biogas Now in Northern Ireland
Jonathan McFerran, Deputy Director of Green Growth and Climate Action Delivery, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Northern Ireland Executive – will update delegates on the work to date undertaken by the Interdepartmental Biomethane Group.
10:25 – 10:55 Refreshments and Networking
11.00-12.00 – ‘A Giant Leap Forward’: Biomethane Injection into the Gas Grid
Biomethane is set to be flowing into the Northern Ireland gas grid by the end of the year. It is the first small step on an ambitious journey to make the province a biomethane powerhouse and net exporter. The target of the gas transmission and distribution companies is to have a net zero gas grid in Northern Ireland by 2050. To achieve this will require the development of ~150 biomethane production plants.
In this session we will gain insight into how this project will be delivered from the key players in achieving this milestone.
David Butler, Director, SGN Natural Gas
Declan McLaughlin, Head of Projects, Bio Capital
Veronika Gallagher, Regulatory Analyst, Utility Regulator
12:00-13:00 – On-farm AD and Agriculture in NI
A rapid scale-up of on-farm AD will be critical to Northern Ireland delivering its net zero targets, with both heat and power producers earmarked by the CCC to play a significant role. It will also serve to assist in the province’s drive to curb nutrient overload from manures and slurries while reducing input costs for farmers.
This expert panel will consider the opportunities AD represents for farmers and the environment, and how to maximise ROI from its outputs.
John McLenaghan, Deputy President, UFU
David Porter, Director, RealisticAgri
Richard O’Loughlin, Biogas Technical Consultant, Vogelsang Ireland
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00-14.45 – The Opportunities for AD in Northern Ireland’s Circular Economy Strategy
At the turn of the year the NI Executive launched a public consultation on its Circular Economy Strategy. A key component addresses food waste and DAERA is currently in the process of preparing a Waste Management Strategy ‘which will include policies that support the waste sector to retain as much value from materials as possible’.
This discussion panel will consider the opportunities and key drivers for AD and biogas deployment in Northern Ireland’s transition to a circular economy.
Rachael Hook, Head of Recycling & Waste Sector Climate Action Plan, DAERA
Dale Guest, Chief Commercial Officer, Stream BioEnergy Ireland Ltd.
Emma Louise-Wells, Environmental Advisor, Business in the Community Northern Ireland (BITCNI)
14:45-15:30 – Ask the Experts
In this audience-led Q&A session, delegates will have the opportunity to ask all-things AD and biogas to a distinguished panel of industry leaders and experts.
Professor David Rooney, Lecturer , Queen’s University Belfast
Martin Doherty, Centre Manager, Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy
Iria Nicholas, Principal Process Engineer, SLR Consulting
15:30 – 16:00 Refreshments & Networking
16:00-16.30 – Funding Biogas Projects in Northern Ireland
Policy levers in support of AD and biogas will be critical to funding the expansion of the industry in Northern Ireland.
Russell Smyth, Partner, KPMG, will present an overview of the rapidly evolving net zero policy landscape and what this means for investors, developers and those seeking to expand their operations.
16:30-17:30 – Further Opportunities for the Growth of the AD Sector in Northern Ireland
In this closing session, we will discuss the emerging opportunities in the AD and biogas industry outside of heat and power, including biomethane for transport fuel and carbon capture for use or storage.
Shane Doherty, Biomethane Development, Renewable Transport Fuel Services Limited (RTFS)
Mark Christensen, Bioresources – Business Development Manager, Nijhuis Saur Industries
David Hynes, Sales Manager, Pentair
Closing remarks from ADBA Chair Chris Huhne
Charlotte Morton OBE
Chief Executive, ADBA
Chris Huhne
Chairman, ADBA; former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Jonathan McFerran
Deputy Director of Green Growth and Climate Action Delivery, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Northern Ireland Executive
Rachael Hook
Head of Recycling & Waste Sector Climate Action Plan, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Northern Ireland Executive
John McLenaghan
Deputy President, Ulster Farmers Union
Professor Stuart L. James
Research Centre in Sustainable Energy, Queen’s University Belfast
David Butler
Director, Evolve
Declan McLaughlin
Head of Projects, BioCapital
Veronika Gallagher
Regulatory Analyst, Utility Regulator
Emma-louise Kells
Environmental Advisor, Business in the Community Northern Ireland
Martin Doherty
Centre Manager, Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy
Iria Nicolas Hermida
Principal Process Engineer, SLR Consulting
Shane Doherty
Biomethane Development , Renewable Transport Fuel Services Limted (RTFS)
David Porter
Director , Realistic Agri
David Hynes
Sales Manager , Pentair
David Rooney
Lecturer , Queen’s University Belfast
Dale Guest
Chief Commercial Officer , Stream BioEnergy Ireland Ltd.
Richard O’Loughlin
Biogas Technical Consultant , Vogelsang Ireland
Russell Smyth
Head of Sustainable Futures, KPMG Ireland
Wasundara Doradeniya
Policy Analyst, ADBA
For Sponsorship and Exhibiting Opportunities:
Maddie Hopper,
For Marketing and Event Enquiries:
Montana Hull,
Eduard Vyshnyakov,
For Payment-related Enquiries:
Angela Knight,