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MEMBER’S PRESS RELEASE: Aardvark appointed as certification body to Compost & Biofertiliser Schemes
Aardvark Certification Limited (ACL) have been appointed as a certification body to both the Compost Certification Scheme and the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme.
ACL’s appointment has been confirmed by the scheme owners, Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL), following a lengthy review process of their management system, operational procedures and personnel by both REAL and UKAS. They will be working with UKAS to complete their accreditation to ISO17065:2012 over the coming months.
This exciting new appointment expands the range of certification services offered by ACL in the biowaste treatment sector, which also includes ISAE3000 Sustainability Auditing and Independent Reporting on Metering Arrangements. ACL’s expanded range of services will enable them to reduce audit frequency and costs for operators with an auditor being able to carry out multiple audits during a single visit.
ACL hope to be able to promote interest and drive growth within both schemes through their existing operator networks in the composting and biogas sectors.
Should existing scheme members or prospective applicants require advice relating to certification for either scheme, please feel free to get in touch with ACL for a friendly, no-obligation chat.
Tel: 01984 624989