On 23rd January 2025, ADBA submitted its response to UK ETS Scope Expansion: Maritime consultation…
Operators and Regulators have their say on AD best practice
Date: 17 June 2016
Embargo: Immediate
A consultation on improving standards for AD operations has closed this week, before ADBA’s Best Practice Scheme checklists are launched at UK AD & Biogas on 6 July.
The project will help AD plants improve their environmental, health and safety and operational performance. The AD industry has grown significantly in recent years and AD operators, consultants and suppliers have come together to harness the experience they have gained and provide guidance to new and existing operators on issues including risk management, operational performance and procurement.
The project is supported by Defra, the EA, HSE, SEPA and other industry regulators.
Over 25 organisations directly responded to the consultation, including AD operators, insurers, trade associations, regulators, suppliers, technology providers and consultants. A further 15 companies also attended an open consultation meeting at Ashfords, Bristol on 16 May.
ADBA's Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton, commented:
“The AD industry has grown impressively since 2010, and despite a challenging policy environment is continuing to expand.
“AD plants need constant care and attention to operate to the best of their ability. ADBA’s Best Practice Scheme aims to help operators negotiate the complex web of regulation that governs the industry, and perform to the best of their ability.
“I’d like to thank all of those businesses and organisations who have taken part in the scheme development through this consultation, and look forward to the launch of the checklists on 6 July.”