21 July 2021 – 10:30-12.30 BST
Biomethane and Hydrogen: Two green gases, one future
Biomethane and hydrogen are highly compatible sources of energy – each may be converted to the other using existing technology. Different pathways offer important benefits to the UK’s energy network, from reducing the carbon intensity of the grid to balancing the network. If the gas grid does become 100% hydrogen, biomethane can be used to produce carbon negative green hydrogen.
The UK’s hydrogen industry is still in its infancy. This webinar will assess the short-term potential of biomethane to decarbonise the economy and look at how it can be combined with hydrogen to secure a long-term, green future for the UK.
- Dr Nick Primmer, Policy Analyst, ADBA
- Chris Train OBE, Green Gas Champion at Energy Networks Association and former CEO of Cadent
- Tej Gidda, Vice-President and Global Leader – Future Energy, GHD
Robert Böhm, Business Development, microbEnergy
At this event ADBA will launch Biogas Insights #2: “Biomethane & Hydrogen: Two green gases, one future,” as part of a series of reports.
The webinar will feature time for Q&A and networking via the REMO platform.
It will be part of Net Zero Week – the UK’s National Awareness Week taking place online from 17th to 23rd July.