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Address Unit 23, Dunkirk Business Park
Postcode BA149NL
Town Trowbridge
Country United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1225 777484


AD Equipment or Plant Supplier , Biotechnology , Decentralised organic waste treatment , Energy , Mechanical , Waste Recycling Companies

Products & Services

Reduce the amount of packaging rejects in your processes that need to be disposed of with Advetec’s XO system; improving your output and reducing your costs.

Advetec’s XO systems;

  • Rapidly compost organic matter found within contaminated waste streams
  • Are fabricated in the UK and designed to meet the robust needs of waste sites
  • Feature bespoke infeed and output design to fit each site’s operation
  • Use biotechnology within an aerobic process to turn AD rejects into Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)
  • Support the circular economy and help decarbonise heavy industry where the output SRF is used as a fossil fuel replacement
  • Achieve over 50% mass reduction in trials on AD plant rejects
  • Allow processing of waste steams on site, reducing the GHG emissions associated with transport
  • Mitigate the effects of upcoming legislation and rising disposal costs within traditional landfill and EfW disposal routes


About Advetec

Advetec provides innovative technology that enhance the environmental and financial performance of AD plants, allowing you to work towards a more circular solution for all parts of your waste disposal.

Our cutting-edge bio-thermic systems leverage advanced biotechnology and innovative engineering to lower waste disposal costs as well as converting AD plant rejects, that cannot currently be recycled into a valuable resource; Solid Recovered Fuel.

Our tailored approach to system design ensures seamless integration into existing AD operations, providing a strong safeguard against rising disposal costs and evolving regulations.

With proven success from rigorous trials, delivering substantial financial savings and improved environmental outcomes, Advetec is ready to be your strategic partner.

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