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Agraferm Technologies AG

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Address Hauptplatz 12
Postcode D-85276
Town Pfaffenhofen
Fax (+49) 08441 8086 -190
Tel (+49) 08441 8086 -101


AD Equipment or Plant Supplier , Anaerobic Digester System Suppliers

Products & Services


  • Anaerobic digestion (AD) / biogas plants for liquid and solids wastes and
    residues, such as organic waste, wastes from food industry and animal
    farming, energy crops.
  • High-DM-Process as well as wet digestion technology.
  • Utilization by green electricity and biomethane / BioCNG.
  • Design, planning, construction, commissioning and operation.
  • Biological & technical service, training and inspection.

Typical Clients

  • Agro-industry and profitably thinking farmers, food & beverage
    industries, investors, power suppliers, grid operators.
  • Medium & large dairy or chicken farms and respective processing
  • Factories for sugar, ethanol or vegetable / palm oil production.
  • Food waste treatment and recycling companies


  • ca. 80 AD plants across Europe
  • biogas production 450 mio m³/a equivalent to 120 MW electric cap.
    incl. capacity of 10,000 m³/h biomethane (gas-to-grid, BioCNG)

USPs, Advantages

  • Deep understanding of the biological process:
    • High-DM-Process for solid inputs providing outstanding process
    stability at minimum OPEX.
    • Input flexibility without operational bottle necks.
    • Thorough mass & energy balancing with real retention times and
    space loadings


Agraferm GmbH is a leading supplier of AD plants throughout Europe, offering robust, efficient and cost-effective technology, which allows flexibility in feedstock. We construct AD plants for a variety of customers, such as farmers, food and beverage companies, the energy industry (upgrading gas) and investors. We offer biological services for our own and our competitors’ AD plants to improve performance. So far we have built 80 AD plants, including nineteen in the UK.

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