MEMBER PRESS RELEASE - More to corrugated tubes than meets the eye By Matt Hale,…
ADBA welcomes move towards consistent recycling services and food waste collections in England
Responding to the launch of the Framework for Greater Consistency in Household Recycling for England, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA), said:
“Food waste in England is a hugely valuable resource and an opportunity which is still largely untapped. Separate collections help meet the aim of reducing waste arising, while making the most of unavoidable waste by recycling it through anaerobic digestion into much needed biogas and biofertiliser.
“ADBA is delighted to have participated in the steering group on the case for greater consistency in household recycling from its inception. The AD industry is particularly pleased that the value of food waste has been recognised by the inclusion of separate collections in all three options for councils going forward, and our members look forward to working with local authorities to turn this vision into reality.
“Defra, WRAP and the other organisations involved should all be congratulated for their part in bringing forward the framework. As the business case makes clear, separate food waste collections require investment but are vital to improving recycling rates in a cost-effective way.“
The framework is available via the WRAP website.