On 23rd January 2025, ADBA submitted its response to UK ETS Scope Expansion: Maritime consultation…
Defra & WRAP push ahead with plans to harmonise UK food waste collections
The WRAP-led steering group, of which ADBA is a member, has today announced plans to produce a publication this summer outlining its vision aimed at harmonising UK food waste collections.
Working in partnership with the Resource Minister, Rory Stewart MP, local authorities, waste management contractors, recyclers, producers, the retail sector and anaerobic digestion (AD) representatives, the project has already undertaken considerable data modelling to assess how government could engender greater consistency of UK household waste collections.
ADBA’s Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton, commented:
Delivering greater consistency in waste collections would make recycling easier for families across the country, and help improve recycling rates – particularly where separate food waste collections are provided.
The advisory group has held very productive discussions, and Rory Stewart’s leadership has been enormously welcome.
We look forward to continuing to work with the advisory group and our members across the AD industry in phase two, ensuring more food waste can be recycled as energy and fertiliser.