MP visits Strathclyde biogas plant Katrina Murray MP visited the Energen Biogas Cumbernauld biogas plant…
MEMBER’S PRESS RELEASE: Purac Puregas – A New Solution for Biogas Upgrading
Purac Puregas: A New Solution for Biogas Upgrading
1st September 2016.
Today marks the official launch of Puregas Solutions. Formerly Purac Puregas, CEO Jan Molin explains the reasons for the change;
Over the last 18 months our organization has evolved from being a product orientated company to something much more. In addition to the industry leading CApure biogas upgrading plants, we now provide solutions for the removal of H2S, VOCs and siloxanes, membrane upgrading plants, network entry facilities and propane enrichment equipment, right through to high pressure compression and dispensing for CNG, and liquefaction for bioLNG. Our latest projects even include the capture of bioCO2.
Backed up by a strong service and support network we are definitely Puregas Solutions!
Experience You Can Trust
With more than 25 years of experience Puregas Solutions manufactures and supplies Biogas Upgrading Plants. The unique CApure upgrading process recovers over 99.9% of the available methane from the raw biogas, maximising biomethane yields and revenues with exceptionally low operational costs. Puregas provides fully integrated solutions for biogas upgrading and have over 30 plants already operating across the globe.
Proven Technology
The CApure process separates the CO2 from the biogas by a process of chemical adsorption. The selective organic solvents used in this process are so efficient that the end product can contain more than 99% methane and is suitable for vehicle fuel or to be injected into the natural gas grid.