Your AD plant can increase its revenue by over £100,000 per year, by simply identifying…
Research and Innovation Hub – call for papers
Each year, as part of UK AD & Biogas, we organise a Hub for researchers and industry professionals to get together and discuss the latest research being conducted in the sector and how it will impact on the themes being discussed by the 3,000 attendees at the show. With AD becoming ever more an international industry, we have chosen the theme of “world class researchers building a world class industry” for this year's Research and Innovation (R&I) Hub. Located in the heart of UK AD & Biogas, the Hub gives researchers the best possible location to tell the industry about their research and why it is of value to the industry. We ask researchers to stand on their Soap Box in this informal atmosphere and talk, whether accompanied by power-point or not. Researchers not using powerpoints but speaking from the heart are actually often the clearest!
If you are a researcher or innovator and are interested in speaking at the Hub, please have a look at the full details here and get in touch with us.
The R&I Hub is a place to hear the latest research and exchange ideas, build collaborations, and find out about the latest funding opportunities.