ADBA's Vision for a Net Zero Future from Policy to Practice We were proud to…
Tank De-Gritting Technology Available for Purchase
Last week I visited a mining, and borehole, company that has developed an alternative method to de-gritting AD: digester, hydrolysis, buffer and feedstock storage tanks. The principles are based on mining techniques to remove the grit and inert material from the water that can then be used again.
The technique reduces the time of operators in the tank to setting up of a pump system and moving this if required, which reduces the costs associated with standby divers and additional BA support.
An open manhole is used to fire high pressure water cannons through a manhole and the grit is moved in liquid from the tank. Once out of the tank the grit slurry is run over shakers and centrifuges to remove large and small non-digestible material. The water is continually recycled and can be put back into the process at the end to put any organics or bacteria back in. Operators often see a spike in gas overnight following this process water being returned to the digesters.
The process is capable of removing 100-150m3/day from the tanks and reduces the amount of grit removed off site by 30%. This is due to the water being put back into the process and operators being left with a stackable grit that is then cheaper to dispose of due to weight reduction.
The technology has recently been designed, and prepared, for export to a large Australian AD company for de-gritting their portfolio of assets.
For more information please contact Sam Hinton on or 07795 186 026.