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Urgent appeal for assistance with IEA Bioenergy Task 37 to save UK membership
Professor Jerry Murphy, Clare Lukehurst and Oliver Harwood are making an urgent appeal for assistance in connection with the next IEA Biogas meeting which takes place in the next 3 weeks.
Unfortunately, if the required funds (£11,666) are not raised to pay the UK subscription, the IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee will cut the UK from its membership, and the UK will no longer be able to attend the meetings and to influence the Task’s work to ensure UK interests are taken into account.
IEA Task 37 is an international working group which covers the anaerobic digestion (AD) of all types of biomass feedstocks. Its membership is global, including countries from Europe, South America, Asia and Australasia. Being a member of IEA Task 37 showcases the UK AD industry to the rest of the world, and its growth in the international market.
A further £4,500 in sponsorship is needed before the end of this week. If anyone can help now with whatever sum they can afford to make up this deficit within the next week, Clare and Oliver can make arrangements to attend the meeting.
Click here to open the full one-page letter from Clare and Oliver. If you are interested in helping, please open the attached for contact details.
Clare and Oliver would like to give many thanks to all those who have already made a donation, they are both very grateful and a receipt will follow shortly.