The Environment Agency has updated its Resource Frameworks guidance, which will affect digestate management from…
Urgent Consultation Feedback Required: Challenges and Choices (Environment Agency)
The Environment Agency is consulting on the challenges and choices consultation that is related to river basin management and planning.
The consultations aim is to protect and improve the water sources and ensure an optimum balance between people and nature. Whilst ensuring this balance the consultation addresses a few challenges that are related to the AD industry. So, ADBA is responding to the below questions in the consultation due to its relation to chemicals, plastics, agriculture and rural areas and the waste water industry.
- Challenge 2: Chemicals in the water environment
- 8. What can be done to address the challenge of chemicals in the water environment?
- 9. Do you support the Environment Agency’s proposed strategic approach to managing chemicals as referenced in the Chemicals in the Water Environment challenge document? If not, what changes would you make?
- 10. What balance do you think is needed between current chemical use, investing in end-of-pipe wastewater treatment options and modifying consumer use and behaviour?
- Challenge 5: Plastics pollution
- 16. What can be done to address plastics pollution in the water environment?
- 17. What actions should the Environment Agency take to reduce plastic pollution?
- Challenge 7: Pollution from agriculture and rural areas
- 19. What can be done to address pollution from agriculture and rural areas?
- 20. How can we support the farming sector to excel at innovative solutions which benefit both productivity and the environment? What should these solutions look like?
- Challenge 9: Pollution from water industry wastewater
- 23. What can be done to address pollution from water industry wastewater?
- 24. What opportunities exist for water companies to collaborate with other sectors and organisations on measures to improve the water environment?
The consultation submission deadline to the Environment Agency is on 24th September 2020. So, please send feedback to Sam Hinton by Friday 18th September.