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Ask ADBA, 11th December: Presentations

ADBA's team of experts addressed the AD industry today in our online meeting "Ask ADBA." Giulia Ceccarelli, External Affairs Adviser, explained the AD sector's strategic role in the Green Recovery. She highlighted Government's "10 Point Plan" and Comprehensive Spending Review. She…

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PRESS STATEMENT: Anaerobic digestion industry responds to CCC net zero report

Responding to the publication of the Committee on Climate Change's (CCC's) new report calling for the UK to set a net-zero target for 2050, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association, said: "The UK's anaerobic digestion (AD) industry fully supports the Committee on Climate Change's call for net zero emissions by 2050, which is a vital target to ensure we avoid the worst effects of climate change."

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PRESS STATEMENT: Biomethane industry responds to CCC housing report

Responding to the Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC’s) new report on decarbonising UK housing, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association, said: “The CCC is absolutely right to highlight the vital role that biomethane from anaerobic digestion is playing and will need to continue playing in decarbonising the 300 TWh of existing UK domestic gas demand."

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PRESS RELEASE: ADBA responds to CCC report

Responding to the publication of the Committee on Climate Change's (CCC's) progress report to Parliament on reducing UK emissions today, Charlotte Morton, Chief Executive of the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA), said: “The CCC’s excellent report singles out two notable successes, the decarbonisation of electricity generation and emissions reductions from the waste sector, both of which the UK’s anaerobic digestion (AD) industry has contributed to. More importantly, AD can also make a significant contribution to decarbonising the sectors that the CCC identify as lagging a long way behind in terms of emissions reduction: heat, transport, and agriculture."

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