Strategy segments:
Policy and Commercial
The wastewater sector spearheaded the development of AD in the UK, and it remains a significantly strong part of the sector. While uptake of AD is strong across the sector, there are a number of regulatory developments – namely driven by the EA and Ofwat – in progress that aim to shake-up the market. This working group seeks to strengthen the collective voice of the industry while opening the dialogue between water companies and third parties.
Suggested aims:
- To create an open dialogue between water companies and the wider AD industry at a time where the regulator is trying to develop the sector
- To discuss Ofwat’s plans to introduce bid assessment frameworks and co-ordinate industry responses to water and sewage companies’ BAF consultations
- To provide feed-in to ADBA’s response to relevant consultations
Suggested deliverables:
- To develop an ‘ideal’ template standard for a bid assessment framework agreed between the water industry and potential third parties
- To facilitate a coordinated response to the introduction of Bidding Assessment Frameworks by providing water companies the opportunity to engage directly with interested AD community members by presenting their BAF consultations
Donna Rawlinson
United Utilities, Severn Trent, Living Water Ecosystems Ltd., Birch Solutions, Carbogenics, SNF Water Science, AquaEnviro, Northumbrian Water, Omex Environmental
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